Friday, November 6, 2009
Implications Post
It has been an excellent journey thus far. I have enjoyed it thoroughly and hope to continue research on this topic as future technological innovations are introduced and unveiled. College students relationships as they intertwine with technology can be a tricky subject to fully understand because everyone is going to have their own opinion on how they think technology helps and hinder relationships. Text messaging can enhance relationships because an individual can get to know someone better through this commonality. But for the individuals that use text messaging non beneficially and are sneaky with it can end up ruining a relationship. This subject is completely based on what an individuals morals are and how they have learned to deal with different situations in the past.
The future for this argument is definitely unresolved because of the amount of new technology that is coming out on a daily basis. It is unknown what new technologies will be introduced that will catch people committing wrongful acts and/or vice versa, good and fruitful acts. On one side of the argument technology can continue to help college students relationships by providing easy ways of communication between two individuals, while on the other hand technology can continue allowing individuals to "sneak around" without getting caught and serving consequences. This issue has been great to focus on but it will be very interesting to see where it goes in the future.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Class Links "Shout-Outs"
1) ... This by far was my favorite blog because it met all the credentials. It provided information far beyond what the assignment asked for. The blog was creative while trying to interact with people who left comments and blog readers as much as possible. "Bud's Wiser" did a great job of touching on all cylinders of his argument.
2) ... This blog was GREAT! This blog was enjoyed by many who read it as well. I believe it was enjoyed so much because of the way that it was written. It was written in a way that was appealing to the audience and always made the reader come back to read more. I am very interested in this topic and how green technology has effected the world so far. I enjoyed how this writer explored many different green technologies instead of focusing on just one.
3)The last shout out goes to ... This blog was attractive from the beginning with the background and template chosen. The information was appealing to me because I am a big health head and enjoy learning about ways to improve health. This writer did a great job of providing information that was accurate and helpful.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Annotated Links Post
This post hopefully helps you out a little in understanding why I chose some of the sites that I chose and what information that I picked up from them. This post will consist of about 3 or 4 links with descriptions of each.
1) ..... This link I believe has been one of the most beneficial links that I have used throughout the blogging process. It giving in-depth information for both side of the argument. This link provides pros and cons for the argument and really expanded my thinking about the current technology that we are provided with here on Earth. Although this article is focused and titled Technology on Business it gives details and exposes truths about how everyone is effected by this epidemic.
2) ..... This link was very helpful because it too allowed me to internalize a different prospective of my argument throughout my blog. It gave information about how technology is effecting learning and teaching in the classroom. Students are taught and lots of learning takes place in these environments so I thought it was necessary and appropriate to use this source throughout my blog writing.
3) .... This link included an excellent article that paralleled my blogging topic precisely. It entailed the effects that technology specifically had on students. The article mentioned how colleges and college students have embraced technology and used it to there advantage. It argued that technology improves learning and the rate at which material is learned.
4) ..... Another helpful link that caught my attention almost immediately was this one that gave further information about the effects of technology on students and classrooms. The links that I chose which included information about students and classrooms I thought were extremely important because students spend ampill amounts of time in classroom and what goes on in the classroom effects the social life and the relationships that he or she has.
5) ..... This final link provided the first article that is shown along with several other links to different articles. These articles were extremely helpful with looking at my argument from the emotional side and the challenges that colleges students go through in some relationships. These emotional downfalls can be enhanced and/or eliminated through the use of technology.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Love Relationships Among College Students
I came across an article that is going to make this blog entry just a little bit different. The article specifically focuses on love relationships that college students have to deal with while they are trying to balance school at the same time. In this entry I will not address specific technological effects on relationships. Some don't realize the emotional toll that some relationships take college students through. This is a time of transition in many ways for most college students because the world is being thrown at them. Some college students feel that "love conquers all." This statement is sometimes used to loosely because college students are brainwashed by love and don't truly understand its effects.
Technology has had a sufficient impact on relationship building how we have constructed our definition of love. Sometimes technology has persuaded individuals to think certain ways. Relationships where love is truly involved doesn't have to be effected by technology unless we choose to use technology when involved in a relationship.
--The Tech Man
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Self-Analysis Post
--The Tech Man
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Risks we Take
So far on my journey of finding the true effect of technology on college student relationships I have learned and been introduced to some effects that I didn't think of previously. Through comments and reactions to a couple of my posts on my blog, my thinking about this subject has been expanded and some of my ideas that I had in the beginning of my research have been challenged. Throughout my research I have not only used information about how technology effects students in general but how it effects students in the classroom and during school as well ( ,
Technology has changed the way that we live here on Earth. Technology has enabled human civilization to relax to a certain degree. Technology has been an additional resource and a privilege that should not be taken advantage of because if technology fails then we will be in a hole that we won’t be able to get out of. If a catastrophe event were to occur, that involved the failing of technology then the communication between people would most likely be effected. The information and materials that technology provide us with can be both good and bad. The information that technology gives us is beneficial because it informs and guides us to the answers that we want. On the other hand it can be detrimental because it allows for private information to be shared against the will of some individuals ( , But these are the risks we take when we decide to use this resource.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Theory Post
Friday, October 23, 2009
Changing the Traditional Mind Set
Qualitative thought incorporates a large field of disciplines and subject matters that are then divided into similar categories and these categories are researched in-depth. Active learning is used with qualitative thought. Qualitative thought answers ‘Why’ and ‘How’; whereas quantitative thought has to do with the systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties. A simple way of thinking about quantitative thought is that this type of thinking has a mathematical model, theory, or a hypothesis that creditably backs up the argument at hand. Quantitative answers ‘Who’, ‘What’, and ‘Why’. Quantitative thought seems to be bland and not always interesting. Qualitative seems to be interesting, more flexible and allows a student to be more interactive with peers. Both of these ways of thought are used by many people but current research and statistics show that the qualitative thought process is on the rise. Technology is creating a qualitative individual. Especially college students at larger universities where resources are abundant and more technology is available. Thinking in a qualitative way allows for the relationships to be more creative, lively, and fun. Students who think quantitatively may act cut and dry which makes no relationship fun at all. The way technology has changed culture and the we think has affected the way the relationships are kept lively and thriving. What would you rather have a qualitative thinker or quantitative thinker?
--The TEch MAN
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Continuing From the Analysis Post – Focusing on ‘Communication between College Students’
Relationships can be personal, intellectual, or simply friendships. Relationships cannot be manifested and kept alive on their own so people must find the time, and energy to make the effort to keep them going. Technology has not only enhanced college student's relationships on many levels but it has made many students approach building a relationship differently. New technologies allow for people to not necessarily have to meet face to face. Not having to physically go somewhere to meet someone saves time and energy that could be used to meet someone else through new technologies. This is a fascinating topic that I am continuing to research thoroughly. Look out for my next blog soon.
--The TECH Man
Monday, October 19, 2009
Analysis and Links (Thus Far)
Hello Blog Readers,
So far on my journey of finding the true effect of technology on college student relationships I have learned and been introduced to some effects that I didn't think of previously. Through comments and reactions to a couple of my posts on my blog, my thinking about this subject has been expanded and some of my ideas that I had in the beginning of my research have been challenged. Throughout my research I have not only used information about how technology effects students in general but how it effects students in the classroom and during school as well ( ,
Technology has changed the way that we live here on Earth. Technology has enabled human civilization to relax to a certain degree. Technology has been an additional resource and a privilege that should not be taken advantage of because if technology fails then we will be in a hole that we won’t be able to get out of. If a catastrophe event were to occur, that involved the failing of technology then the communication between people would most likely be effected. The information and materials that technology provide us with can be both good and bad. The information that technology gives us is beneficial because it informs and guides us to the answers that we want. On the other hand it can be detrimental because it allows for private information to be shared against the will of some individuals ( , But these are the risks we take when we decide to use this resource.
This situation occurs in many relationships but especially in young college student's. For example technologies that incorporate ways of messaging like cell phone text messaging and social networking sites like Facebook are simply traps for college students. Many don't realize that all messages sent are archived and saved just in case they need to be pulled up for later use ( The link in the previous sentence is just an example of how the messages that are sent over the air waves and through the internet can come back to bite you....OUCH!!!! I wonder if students were familiar with this risks then would they continue using this technologies? If they stopped using them because of this then relationships may begin to decline because of lost in communication.
Some other links that involve Facebook are as follows:
--The Tech Man
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Evaluating Facebook....
I have an interesting topic for us to discuss together today. Facebook has become a dynamic social networking site that has allowed millions of people to connect in there own ways. I remember when Facebook was first introduced in 2004. This was a great day for Mark Zuckerburg because this was the start of his billion dollar success. This launch was also particularly good for all the college students that can't seem to live without Facebook. Facebook has revolutionized the globe in the way that it connects people through different networks based on city, state, gender, school, and age. College students these days can't be log off of Facebook for two seconds without thinking about signing right back on and checking there notifications and picture updates. Although Facebook has gained great popularity over the past five or so years Facebook has become increasing unsafe and risky to use.
The most popular social network site in the world connects individuals from all over the world. Question, How do you know that these are really the people that you want to communicate with. This question and several similar questions have been brought up when discussing the risk that is taken when Facebook is used. College students especially have to be extremely careful when using social networking sites like this one because you never know who could be impersonating who. The internet is constantly growing and hackers are always on the prowl for new victims. The most recent cases that involve Facebook criticism is allegations about privacy rights. Allowing and not allowing the viewing of certain profiles. In a college university setting a social networking site can be a great way to meet new people and make new relationships. On the other hand Facebook probably is not such a good idea for long term, loving, and emotionally filled relationships because of all the options that Facebook allows. For example Facebook allows people to poke each other, add each other, and chat with each other. If a student in a relationship dislikes a person that is having contact with their lover then this can cause a problem that could have been avoided if Facebook was not available. Additionally Facebook stalkers and false profiles can trick college students into relationships that can get students in legal trouble that may be extremely hard to resolve.
Facebook has provided students with an outlet to the "outside world," but how safe is it???!!!??? Next time you are on Facebook consider the risk that you are taking with yourself and your relationship......
Something to think about,
-The Tech MAN
Monday, October 12, 2009
What is the Connection Between Cell Phones and Student Realationships?
Hello Blog Readers,
First off let me apologize to the readers of my first blogging attempt for the grammatical errors and such. I will try my best not to let that happen again. But Anyway.... As I read the comments left for my first blog I began thinking about how my blog could become unique and interesting. I formulated an idea but I want to know what you as readers think. Each week if I were to introduce a new/different technology (cell phones, social networking sites, instant messaging, etc.) and explain its effects on student relationships opposed to focusing on one single technology like cell phones and their effect on relationships throughout the 4 weeks of blogging, would that keep you guys interested??? (Give me your Feedback)......Moving On---->
Today I think I will begin today's blog with a couple of questions; What Do You Think the Connection Between Cell Phones and Student Relationships Are? Is there one?
Since the release of the cell phone back in the 1940's where Swedish police used them as two way radios for accurate communication, cell phones have steadily gained popularity throughout the world and are currently one of, if not the hottest "must haves" on the market. Cell phones allow billions of individuals to be in communication with one another at any given moment. Since the beginning of my college experience, just a few months ago, I didn't realize the amount of time I spent and the amount of time my fellow college mates spent on their cell phones. Whether its just looking at them to check a text message or email, listen to music, or browse the internet, it seems like every time I'm walking through the quad I see over half the students engaging in some sort of activity with their cellular devices. I will admit I am a culprit too; I can't seem to go five minutes without looking or touching my phone. Just the thought of having it strapped to my hip is calming and gives me relief. If I forget my phone one day I feel disconnected from the world, and this shouldn't be.
Thriving in today's world is greatly influenced by "who you know" and not so much about "what you know" in some instances. You have to build strong caring relationships with individuals in order build solid and prosperous social networks. Cell phones can enhance these social networks because of the speeds at which they operate. For example you can be connected to someone on the other side of the globe in a matter of seconds. Relationships can be built through telecommunication but how effective are they? The relationship is made quicker but may not be as fulfilling if the two persons where to meet face-to-face. As students are concerned, although it seems we are on our phones 24-7 are we really building long lasting, intimate relationships through this type of technology? 'Texting' and instant messaging are simple ways of learning surface details about one another but not necessarily learning about the person on an intellectual or emotional level. THE true test is, when you come face-to-face with another individual that you’ve been in conversation with through a cell phone, will you choke and become nervous or will you have a smooth conversation. See, Cell Phones are good and all but they are physical barriers, they are hindrances from the real person that you are communicating with. In some chases they don't give you a true representation of the person on the other end. I hear all the time "Oh he/she sounded nice on the phone but when I met him/her, I would never consider doing anything with them." An example like this one is just a small representation of how cell phones can trick us into thinking something that is not real. Cell Phones are helpful in many instances but can hinder further relationship development. On many occasions I've talked to someone on the phone and they turn out to be a failure. Something to think about.....
--ThE TecH MaN